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We would like to thank the following companies for their generous donation to our charity Place of Hope (White Location) Greenbushes, Port Elizabeth:

Ford Company

Charles Glass (Port Elizabeth)
Magnum Machine Tools
Schaeffler South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Pick & Pay Port Elizabeth

Toy Run.


We started this community-based Project focusing on assisting the Greenbushes families to cope better with the demands of life by helping with Donations received from the kind-hearted people of Port Elizabeth, donating a wide variety of items for these families.


When it comes to generating funds, it doesn’t matter how noble your cause is or how organized you may be if people don’t know about your fundraiser. Publicity is a huge part of a successful fundraiser and therefore we would like to thank everyone for assisting and given us the opportunity to create awareness for our charity within the Port Elizabeth Area

We hope that you will join us in our noble cause because investing in one child mean investing in entire community.



            We URGENTLY Require

Any Non-Perishable Foods, Ie:

Tin Food, Rice, Pasta, Oil, Spices, Soup, Coffee, Sugar, Long Life Milk, Chips, Cookies, Sweets, ​
All Household Cleaning Stuff

Baby Goodies Beverages (Mix On Oros), Cereals, Bread Spread ..Etc.

For any further enquiries or wanting our banking details for cash donations you can email us on Or contact  Janine 041 396 1400 / 083 623 0016

Janine Gardiner -  Project Manager

We hope that you will join us in our noble cause because investing in one child mean investing in entire community.

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