We would like to thank you and your company for the generous donation to our charity Place of Hope Greenbushes, Port Elizabeth.
You truly did a wonderful thing and your personal commitment will be greatly appreciated.
Your generosity will directly benefit everyone at Place of Hope.
For any further enquiries or wanting our banking details for cash donations you can email us on Or contact Janine 041 396 1400 / 083 623 0016

Cheryl Anderhold
Ooba Bond Originators PE
Everyone from Toy Run PE
Mercia Venter
Property. Com
Duncan Gardiner
Magnum Machine Tool PE

Gary Sim
Charles Glass PE

Charmaine Potgieter
Rainbow Nation Club

Michelle Michael
Rhino Plastics
Arno Thompson, Do it all Removals

College Hill Preparatory School
Miss E Basson, Staff & Parents
Your generosity have directly benefit everyone at Place of Hope and we thank you kindly !!!

Frank Fourie

Colleen, Staff and Parents

Owner & Staff

Ingrid Kilian

Candice Smith
Elzabe Boshoff - General Manager
And Divers